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The first in Lithuania legally operating private detectives!

The truth doesn't always set you free; people prefer to believe prettier, neatley wrapped lies.
Jodi Picoult


Services for Business

Here you can find information about the services which are most usually provided by detectives themselves or with the help of cooperating detectives, but this is not the final list. Your situation or case is unique, so the nature of services and it‘s price can be calculated only after some careful examination of the situation. Do not hesitate to contact us, if you wonder about the price of a particular service. Our specialists or private detectives will assess the optimal amount of the expenditure needed to ensure your personal safety.

Protect your privacy

There might be a breach of privacy in your personal premises or vehicles – it is possible that gadgets for listening are planted there by people wanting to harm you. Invoking technology developed for this purpose as well as special skills, our private detectives are able to check your premises for gadgets being used for listening and spying on you. We offer our Calculator > to approximate the costs of this service.

We can help to ensure copyright

We can help to ensure copyright. We are able to help authors ensure copyright contiguous rights, a copyright for discovery or invention. Moreover, on your request we can collect data on contraband or pirate production in the market.

Are your employees reliable?

It is not uncommon for business to suffer from malicious, dishonest or negligent employees. However with the help of our cooperating private detectives you can protect yourself and your company by checking the reliability of your employees.

When law is helpless

People who suffered from victimization do not seek law enforcement help. At an average 60 % of those people do not contact the police because they believe that it is helpless. Victims who contacted the police, judge police work as executed badly. If you suffered from victimisation our cooperating private detectives who have experience in the field of law enforcement can be a serious asset to your case, by collecting evidence important in your case.

Information gathering

Usually if a party wants to win the case, together with its lawyer it is responsible for gathering all the information in favour. It is typical of civil cases as well as labour and administrative disputes. They will help you to influence positive outcome of the case by cooperating with your lawyer and collecting relevant data.

Protection against risky debt

A way to protect your company from unreliable partners and clients, you can invest in our cooperating private detectives services; they will provide you with information about entity you are interest in: its competitiveness, solvency, unfair practices, etc. If you are already being bothered by your debtors, we can help you recover these debts, find hiding debtors or hidden stolen property.

After the insured event

Sometimes an insured event can occur under the mysterious circumstances. Insurance companies are considering the risks of occasional fraud by some dishonest clients. You are welcome to address us with our cooperating private detectives with requests to investigate all the circumstances of a suspicious cases.


Since we and our cooperating private detectives are experts in the field we offer our consultations and recommendations on the topic of private detective work.

Electromagnetic field blocking cases

Moreover, we encourage you to purchase our special electromagnetic field blocking cases for mobile telephones, which are designed to protect human body from hazardous mobile phone effects as well as to prevent information leakage from your telephone. Please find more information on that at

Protect your privacy

There might be a breach of privacy in your personal premises or vehicles – it is possible that gadgets for listening are planted there by people wanting to harm you or your business. Invoking technology developed for this purpose as well as special skills, our cooperating private detectives are able to check your premises and vehicles for hidden gadgets being used for listening and spying on you. More

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