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The first in Lithuania legally operating private detectives!

The truth doesn't always set you free; people prefer to believe prettier, neatley wrapped lies.
Jodi Picoult


About us

On 16th of April 2015 was adopted the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the private detective activity which entered into force on January the 1st 2016. Before that for 9 years straight our company has been providing similar services helping people or entities in difficult circumstances to realize their rights and legitimate interests in Vilnius and other cities of Lithuania and abroad.

The current legal situation prompted the change of the known in the market name of the company „Privačių detektyvų biuras“ and its activity specifics, because most of the previously legally provided our services now will provide our cooperating private detectives with the relevant powers. But the same as before, our activities will remain closely linked to private research, services provided by private detectives. Our company’s foundation remains – professionals who have worked in the Criminal Police and other law-enforcement structures for many years. Our office is located in Vilnius. We will try to find our environment in the new operating conditions.

Will there be many private detectives in Lithuania after entering into force the new law? It is hard to predict but not every person, who has even been a man of law, can be a detective. This requires specific experience, qualifications, finally, some particular strains of character.

The Director of the Company has big experience of participation in team work projects dealing with such important matters as operative activity of Lithuanian Republic, personal data legal security, laws on private detective activity, new Criminal Procedure Code, as well as representation of Government of Lithuanian Republic in the Constitutional Court of Lithuanian Republic on hearings concerning operative activities questions.

We worked and will be working according to the valid legislations; our activity is legal and clear.

We are not the contenders for law and order institutions, we collaborate with them.

The company has its reliable partners in Alytus, Kaunas, Panevėžys, Šiauliai, Klaipeda, Marijampolė and other cities as well as in Baltic countries, Scandinavia, Poland, Germany, Ireland, USA, Russia, Belarus, Central Asia and other countries.

We try to follow the underwritten rules, which are not our invention, but the credo of all respecting themselves companies related to private investigations and detective activities

  • To be on the other side of barricade, apart from the representatives of the criminal world and not to pursue the orders which are against the law.
  • Not to pursue the orders if their aims are not clear or raise any doubts.
  • To guarantee confidentiality to everyone who applies, not to sell the information from our clients to the third person.
  • Not to mislead clients about the perspective of the order and its results.
  • Our Company is the member of the Vilnius chamber of commerce, industry and grafts from 24-th of April, 2008
  • Our Company is the member of the Latvian Federation of Detectives and Security Services (LDDDF) from 2008.
  • Our Company’s civil responsibility is insured by AB “Lietuvos draudimas”.
  • We have been members of the International Association of Private Detectives (IAPD) since 27-th of October, 2009.
  • Our Company has been registered in the State Personal Data Controllers Register (Data Controller’s identity code P4227) since 28-th of May, 2009.
  • Since 2012 we have been actively participating in the activities of the All-Ukrainian Association of Private detectives, which in 2018 was reorganized into the International Association of investigators & Anti-crisis experts (МАРЭКС).
  • We have been members of the Lithuanian Association of Private Detectives from 2018.
  • We have been members of the Association of corporate security and detective professionals “Калкан” (ОПКБиДД), (Kazakhstan) since 2018.
  • Since 2020, our work had been insured by professional liability insurance at Lloyd‘s Insurance Company S.A.
  • Since August 29, 2020, our Company manager and private detective Olegas Rimanas has been a member of the World Association of Detectives (WAD) (the head office is in the USA).
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